Q-West Limited has a reputation as one of the most professional Boatbuilders in the industry. The company’s competitive edge is a result of its dedicated and multi-talented staff, and its proven capability in the construction and maintenance of a wide variety of craft, such as fishing boats and trawlers, passenger vessels, fast ferries and charter and dive craft.
Over the last few years Q-West has focused increasingly on building 16 to25m pleasure boats, particularly for markets such as the United States, , Middle East and the South Pacific. Q-West managing director Myles Fothergill says the outstanding quality of Q-West-manufactured boats is a major draw card for local and international buyers “Pretty much everything we do is cutting edge. We make full use of the technology available. New Zealand is in a fortunate position where we get the very best technology, sometimes ahead of the United States and Europe.” Q-West has positioned itself at the front of the New Zealand boat building industry, which Mr Fothergill says has proven an effective marketing tool. Suppliers and designers often recommend Q-West to clients, particularly those from overseas.“ New Zealand boats are very highly regarded overseas…customers tend to come to New Zealand looking for boat builder they come to the major suppliers in the industry and ask who the best builders are.” But, he says it is really the team at Q-West that makes the company so successful. Aside from their skill and proven experience in the boat building industry, the staff have a real passion for what they do, which is reflected in the quality of work produced.
Q-West has an in house design and development capacity which has been continually expanding and offers a range of design options from mono hulls to catamarans and tri hulls. The company has also aligned itself with several national and international designers, such as Teknicraft Design in Auckland, to provide an extended range of custom-built design options.
Q-West has recently completed a 12.5m luxury catamaran for a private customer in Alaska, a 14.5m game fishing catamaran for a New Zealand customer, and an 18m luxury catamaran for a Minnesota couple which will be based in Kodiak, Alaska. It is currently working on several boats, including a 20m luxury wavepiercer cat for a Brisbane customer, and the last of four 18m ferries in a replacement fleet for successful tourism business Whale Watch Kaikoura. Mr Fothergill says Q-West focuses a lot on repeat business, and the fact clients come back time and time again is an indication of the customer satisfaction it achieves every time.